How to Calm Your Nerves Before Skydiving
Tandem Skydiving
2 years ago
Nervous About Skydiving?
If you’re nervous about skydiving, you’re not alone! Jumping out of an airplane is nerve-wracking for sure, and it’s completely normal to be scared of skydiving.
Why are people scared of skydiving? Well, because it’s not natural! We weren’t born with wings, after all. The primal part of our brains sends big SAVE YOURSELF energy the minute we start moving toward the airplane door. What’s the scariest part of skydiving? That answer is different for each person, but no matter what part you are most nervous about, the leap of faith is worth it!
Luckily, there are plenty of tactics to help you learn how to get over your fear of skydiving. Even if you’re so nervous that you’re thinking of backing out of skydiving, here are some tips and tricks to keep your head in the game, and your feet in the wind, and top tips on how to calm your nerves before skydiving.

Mental Prep
One of the best ways to manage stress and calm your nerves in any situation is to mentally prepare. Even professional athletes practice visualization before big games. The good news is, you don’t have to be getting paid the big bucks to use this tool. Spend some time imagining your skydive going well. Picture the climb out, freefall, and parachute ride. Now picture yourself having the time of your life!
You can also use any relaxation techniques you’ve already been using your whole life. You’ve been dealing with stress long before you decided to jump from an airplane (maybe that’s even WHY you decided to jump from an airplane!). Use those coping mechanisms to calm your nerves before the skydiving day. Get yourself an early morning workout, make a warm cup of tea, or spend a full minute screaming into the void. Whatever works for you, works for us!
Pro tip: screaming into the void feels even better when you do it at 13,000+ feet!
Educate Yourself
Part of the reason skydiving is so scary is that you don’t know what to expect. The same thing that makes skydiving so appealing is what makes it stressful. You’ve never had an experience that can prepare you for what jumping out of an airplane will feel like, mentally or physically.
An easy way to prep your mind for what you are about to do is to watch videos of other people doing the same thing. There are plenty of tandem skydive videos to choose from on the internet. A quick Google search will show you all you want to know about what the process looks like. Once you see all of these other people having the time of their lives, your own adventure won’t seem so preposterous. Who knows, maybe someday your video will be an inspiration to other potential skydivers!
If watching people on a screen just doesn’t do it for you, you can also go right to the dropzone! A visit to Skydive Carolina might remove some of what’s abstract about this courageous decision you’ve made. Watching the tandems make it safely to the ground will show you that you can do it, too. You might even be able to hear their whoops of joy from under canopy!

Connect With Your Instructor
The one thing we can guarantee about your jump is that your instructor knows skydiving. They have put a lot of time and effort into being qualified enough to take you on your first jump. Every tandem instructor at Skydive Carolina at least meets these minimum requirements, as mandated by the United States Parachute Association (USPA):
- Logging at least 500 jumps
- Earning a USPA D license
- Accruing a minimum of 3 years experience in the sport
- Possessing a current FAA Class III Flight Medical Certificate
- Completing the USPA tandem instructor rating certification program
Your instructor cares, that’s why they are here. They wouldn’t have put in all of that work if they weren’t passionate about their job. They want you to have an amazing time as much as you do. Get to know them. Your jump will be a lot more fun if you are strapped to someone you can have a little fun with and they can help you calm your nerves before skydiving.
And ask them questions! They know the answers. That part about them completing the USPA tandem instructor rating certification program? That course has its own two-inch thick manual. They know what they are doing, and they are here to share that experience with you.
Doesn’t sound so scary anymore, does it? Book here and find out! We can’t wait to show you just how worth making the leap is. Blue skies!