2020 Goals for the New Year
Tandem Skydiving
5 years ago
Goals for the New Year: Conquer Skydiving
New Years is a powerful time of year to to set anew, to create resolutions to better yourself or conquer something challenging. This year is especially unique as we’re not only closing out a year, we’re ending an incredible decade of memories, historical moments, and experiences. As we look back on 2019 and prepare ourselves to embark on the new year, we encourage you to live life the fullest, perhaps stepping outside of your comfort zone or trying something new. We propose a wild idea as you assemble your resolutions for 2020 – adding skydiving to your list! Here’s why:

Why Go Skydiving in 2020?
If you want to set and keep your goals this year, goals like a first skydive will inspire you, fill you with a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Beginning this decade with a skydive can represent the start of something significant in your life. Maybe it’s a new adventure, a mind-blowing thrill, a meaningful way to challenge yourself, or all of these combined.

Conquer Your Fear of Skydiving
Because, well, something inside of you has always wanted to. Admit it. Skydiving is the perfect blend of thrill-seeking and tranquility. What a theme to guide you into this next decade. Whether you’re an adventure seeker or not, you’ll undoubtedly embolden others to look at their resolutions differently and do something amazing.
Why? Skydiving Gives You Perspective
The anticipation before, the exhilaration during and the major sense of accomplishment after you jump out of an airplane is unlike anything else you’ll experience. You’ll be forced to get out of your comfort zone and you’ll find an escape from the routine of your daily life. You’ll see the ground you walk on, the air you breathe and sunny blue skies completely differently. Your previous goals won’t seem big enough and you’ll be reminded to take life by the horns and make the most of it.
Take the leap and kick this decade off with an adventure you’ll never forget! Join the Skydive Carolina community and skydive with us in 2020 to make your dreams a reality. We are open year-round and there’s no better time than now to bring your bucket list to life.