Tandem Skydiving NC & SC
Make Your First Jump!
Tandem skydiving is life changing! Imagine jumping out of a plane secured to a seasoned professional and soaring through the great blue yonder, experiencing the closest thing we humans have to flight! Does skydiving live up to the hype? Absolutely. If you’ve been Googling for “the best tandem skydiving near me,” you’ve found it. So why wait any longer? Skydive Carolina is the #1 choice for tandem skydiving in NC & SC!
Your Ticket to 14,000 Feet
Tandem Skydiving Prices

Tandem Skydiving
Experience the unforgettable exhilaration of human flight! Make your first jump securely attached to a USPA-certified tandem instructor.
Starts At $219

Skydiving Video
Watch yourself accomplish something few have even dreamed of doing – freefall at 120 mph, soar under canopy, and land like a champ!
Starts At $109

Group Packages
Know what’s even better than jumping out of an airplane? Jumping with your friends! The more in your crew, the bigger the price break.
Discounted $10-20 off
The Tandem Skydiving Experience
What to Expect
When you get here, you’ll be excited and anxious, and when you leave you’ll feel victorious, having accomplished something extraordinary. You’ll gain confidence and perspective, feel a newfound sense of pride and empowerment, and beam with a smile a mile wide!

On the Ground
Check In
Your reservation time is when your training class begins – check in at the Student Training Center 30 minutes ahead to complete your paperwork, get the lay of the land, have a snack, drink some water, and use the restroom one more time!
Your training session covers the who, what, when, where, and why basics. It takes only about 15 to 20 minutes because your tandem instructor does almost everything – but you have a role too! This is a great opportunity to ask questions.
Suit Up
When you hear your name, you’re about 20 minutes out! Head to the hangar to meet your instructor, get into your tandem skydiving harness and, if you’re getting video, complete your pre-jump interview. (Psst: you want the video!)
In The Air
The Plane Ride
Go time! Your instructor leads you to the plane where you board, take a spot on the bench, clip into your seatbelt, and prepare for takeoff! Part way up, your instructor attaches, adjusts, and tightens your harness until you move as one.
Exit & Freefall
At altitude, you and your instructor move to the door and jump into the wide open sky! You immediately enter into freefall, flying through the air at 120 miles per hour for about 60 magnificent seconds of pure freedom.
Parachute Flight
Your instructor deploys the parachute and everything changes – you slow down and the whizzing wind hushes to a peaceful quiet. Look around, talk with your instructor, reflect on what you achieved as you sail across the horizon.

Back to Earth
The Landing
After about five minutes, your instructor prepares to land. You lift your legs as they maneuver an easy touch down. As the parachute collapses and you’re unclipped, you’re free to celebrate. Hoot! Holler! Turn cartwheels! You did it!
Rules & Recommendations
Tandem Skydiving Requirements
At Skydive Carolina, we prioritize safety above all else. Pay attention to these dropzone and USPA rules and recommendations so you don’t get left on the ground!
You must be at least 18 years old; no exceptions.
You must present a valid, government-issued photo ID.
You must weigh less than 225 pounds and be in good physical shape.
Arrive 30 minutes before your reservation time.
Plan to spend half a day at the dropzone.
Wear clothing and footwear appropriate for physical activity.
No alcohol after midnight, the night before your jump.
No alcohol permitted on the premises.
No dogs permitted on the premises, including spectators’ dogs.
Join The Adventure
Ridealong Experience
Price: $269 Weekend / $219 Mon & Thurs
Want a piece of the action, but not sure about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? Come along for the ride!
You’ll experience everything your tandem skydiving pals experience – including ground training, suiting up, and clipping into your instructor’s harness – but you’ll ride back down in the plane after their exit. Unless, of course, you change your mind … in which case, just tell your instructor and you can jump out too!

Info & Tips
Tandem Skydiving Resources

Describing The Skydiving Experience (From Start to Finish)

How to Upgrade Your Skydiving Selfie to Skydiving Photoshoot

3 Carolina Skydive Deals Offered Now

5 Tandem Skydiving Safety Stats You Should Know

Live In North Carolina? Where You Should Go Skydiving