CarolinaFest Update

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hello, my name is Danny Smith, Owner of Skydive Carolina. I’m writing with the disappointing news to share that we’ve made the difficult decision to postpone CarolinaFest from our traditional date at the end of May. We are rescheduling CarolinaFest to September 8th through September 13th, 2020 due to concerns with the coronavirus.

I’m sure this announcement doesn’t come as a surprise, but we were holding out hope that we would see a greater flattening of the curve and have stay in place restrictions relaxed by now. Each year, we work hard to make sure CarolinaFest is organized, fun and safe, but with so many variables still swirling in the air, we cannot plan with full confidence of where we’ll be in six weeks from now.

Above all else, every decision we make will have your safety in mind first.

Deposit Options

We recognize that everyone has paid a deposit for the May date of CarolinaFest and we would like to offer you three options regarding your deposit paid.

Option 1 – Transfer your deposit to the new boogie dates in September.

Option 2 – Transfer your deposit to CarolinaFest 2021 and avoid the pre-registration rush.

Option 3 – Request a refund.

Please click the red button below to let us know how you’d like for us to manage your registration.

CarolinaFest Registration Info

Like all of you, we are very disappointed with this outcome, but we recognize that each of you are going through your own challenges at this time and we hope that you are healthy and safe.

If there is anything the coronavirus has taught me, it’s to appreciate the little things and our skydiving community that much more. I can confirm that when we return to the skies, it will be a wonderful celebration.

I hope to see you in September,

Blue skies,

G. Danny Smith

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