LO News: Zach Sabel and Grace Trolinger

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Grace Trolinger & Zach Sabel Join Our LO Team

Mark your calendars for April 24th thru 26th. Chicagoland Skydiving Center’s Zach Sabel (a CarolinaFest LO) and Grace Trolinger are coming to Skydive Carolina to offer a weekend of zero-stress, fun, freefly load organizing. No matter your skill set, you will be organized with successful dive flows based on your skill with similarly skilled jumpers. (that’s three skills in one sentence… lot’s of skills will be going up ;-).

Amy Milhorne will also be working with local ladies to tighten up on head up skills…so lot’s of organizing to go around!


The cost for you: Nada, rien, NOTHING, but your slot on the aircraft. If you had to only choose three events on our events calendar, this should be one of them because it’s cool people with great vibes teaching you… and you’ll learn faster because they’re genuinely interested in seeing you take your flying to the next level.


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